The Crossing Teens

About Us

The Crossing Teens are a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church. The Crossing is a place where 6-12th graders from Cleburne, Keene, Joshua, and more come together to learn about God and grow together with their Christian friends.

Weekly Schedule

Sunday School
10:00am every Sunday
6-7 Grade Class
8-12 Grade Class
Sunday Church Services
11:00am every Sunday
Teens can either sit with their family or in the teen section.
Wednesday Night
At 6:30pm every week the teens meet for food, fun, and fellowship!
Other Activities
Their are many more opportunities to be involved! Stay up to date with events at Calvary!

Upcoming Events

Summer Calendar 2019

17- Video Game Night
22- Crossing Summer in the gym begins
26- Sun PM Afterglow to Braum’s
2- Summer Volleyball begins
13– Teen Day Trip to the Creation Evidence Museum
17-22- Teen Camp
23- Southland at Calvary
15-18- VBS (No Wednesday)
11- Back to School Sunday
28- Fall Program Begins

Connect With Us


Calvary Baptist Church
700 Woodard Ave
Cleburne, TX 76033
Evan Rose, Youth Pastor

Social Media

The Crossing Instagram
Calvary Baptist Social Media